crisp five-dollar bill
He exchanged the coins for a crisp five-dollar bill.
dollar bill
: dollar bill ドル札 ドルさつ
crisp new bill
: 手の切れるような新札{しんさつ}
as queer as a three-dollar bill
: 〈米俗〉まるでいんちきな、見るからに[紛れもなく?間違いなく]ホモで(差別語)
change this dollar bill for quarters
: このドル紙幣{しへい}を25セントに崩す
counter-feit dollar bill
counterfeit dollar bill
: 偽のドル紙幣{しへい}
fake dollar bill
: にせドル札
new dollar bill
: 新札{しんさつ}の1ドル札
one dollar bill
one-dollar bill
: 1ドル札
queer as a three-dollar bill
slip a dollar bill to the doorman
: ドアマンに1ドル紙幣{しへい}を手渡す{てわたす}
ten dollar bill
ten-dollar bill
: 10ドル紙幣{しへい}
three dollar bill
"crisp biscuit" 意味
"crisp breeze" 意味
"crisp coolness of winter" 意味
"crisp dialogue" 意味
"crisp edge" 意味
"crisp hay" 意味
"crisp language" 意味
"crisp leaf of lettuce" 意味
"crisp manner of speaking" 意味
"crisp dialogue" 意味
"crisp edge" 意味
"crisp hay" 意味
"crisp language" 意味
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